Registering a racing greyhound
Any greyhound you wish to race must be registered with the GBGB. To do this, the owner(s) must complete the front page of a Registration Certificate form and pass this to their trainer, who will arrange for the registration on your behalf. The track’s Local Official will then complete the second page of the form by taking a copy of your greyhound’s distinctive markings and record their microchip number so that they can be identified going forward.
If you wish to register a greyhound, speak to your trainer or contact your local track’s Racing Office.
Retiring a racing greyhound
Owners must inform GBGB when they retire a registered greyhound by completing a ‘green’ retirement form.
This can be done by logging into your Owner’s Account on My Kennel or by downloading a Greyhound Retirement Form and returning it to us via post or by emailing welfare@gbgb.org.uk.
Transferring ownership
When an owner sells their greyhound, they are required to notify GBGB under Rule 18 of the Rules of Racing within 28 days of the sale.
Owners must complete the tear-off section at the bottom of the Transfer of Ownership Form (called the declaration slip) and send it to GBGB. This must be signed by the selling owner(s) and must give the new owner(s) name and address. This will then be processed by GBGB’s registration department.
The declaration slip itself does not complete a transfer of ownership. Please contact your local Racing Office or GBGB for the relevant form.
The selling owner(s) must also sign and give the transfer form to the new owner(s) for them to complete, along with the greyhound’s stud book. The new owner(s) can either take the complete form, stud book and relevant fees to their local Racing Office or send them to GBGB for the transfer to take place.
No transfer of ownership can be done without the signed Transfer of Ownership form and the greyhound’s stud book.
Please note that for transfer of ownership involving British-bred greyhounds, the Greyhound Stud Book must carry out the required transfer first. This is a separate process that must be completed before the transfer of ownership is completed by GBGB.
Contact details for the Greyhound Stud Book are:
Tel: 01787 212381
Email: enquiries@greyhoundstudbook.co.uk